WIOTE | Workshop on IOT for Energy

WIOTE 2021 is workshop of ICPES 2021 (2021 11th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems), focusing IoT applications in the energy sector grow special attention from consumers, businesses and even governments. Apart from numerous benefits to the electric power supply chain, IoT energy management systems give way to new smarter grids which promise unprecedented savings, improved security and enhanced efficiency. We will find out how Internet of Things and energy efficiency are connected and what solutions in this market are worth considering.

Apart from this, WIOTE will bring you a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of Power Engineering, Renewable Energies and Energy Systems.

Conference Program (点击查看会议日程)

2021年能源物联网研讨会将于2021年12月18-20日在中国上海召开,是ICPES 2021 的 分会场 。 会议由上海交通大学,及电子科技大学联合举办, 欢迎参加!会议将邀请国内外知名专家到会做主题报告,为该领域的专家和学者们提供国际化的交流平台,报告文章还将评选最佳报告。我们希望通过这次活动,能分享您对”能源物联网的看法,并与来自澳大利亚,亚洲,欧洲, 世界各地的研究人员进行讨论。 欢迎踊跃投稿,被录用的文章将出版到会议集,由数据库收录,并Ei Compendex核心和Scopus等检索机构检索

物联网技术和新能源的结合正在加速传统经济发展形态,智能电网、智能水务、智能环保、智能开采等新兴领域随物联网技术的应用落地而处于飞速发展中,IoT连接技术逐渐越来越多的用于处理能源管理和提供改进的解决方案上。 WIOTE 2021 重点关注物联网技术和新能源的结合方面研究,并还将讨论电力工程,可再生能源系统,智能电网安全分析和控制、支撑能源互联网的电力市场和能源政策等方面。

We invite you to submit a paper to WIOTE 2021. We invite submissions in all areas of this field, broadly defined. As the workshop of ICPES 2021 , WIOTE accepted papers will be published into ICPES 2021 conference proceedings as special chapter. The proceedings will be submitted and reviewed by the Ei Compendex and Scopus after the conference.